· By Worship Recordings
EVERY First Thursday ONENESS @ silk city

ONENESS : unity in the dance
Join Solomonic the first Thursday each month as we come together and enjoy the roots & culture niceness! Each month we bring a special guest sound and come together inna Oneness style...
always in full effect!
ruff & tuff EAW/CROWN sound
with 4 tops & 3 subs
will have the place sounding sweet!
SILK CITY - 5th & Spring Garden St
past ONENESS gatherings
November 7, 2002
these top ranking sounds from the gates of filo's finally meet in one dance hall for the ultimate bashment... less talk, more music!
December 5th, 2002
SOLOMONIC & LIONDUB cancelled due to JAH Snowstorm ;)
January 2, 2003
February 6, 2003
SOLOMONIC & LIONDUB (jah love, nyc)
trodding in from brooklyn our bredrin liondub international will bless us with the finest roots and culture dancehall to unite with solomonic at the infamous silk city lounge for the first time in history. blessed love...
March 6, 2003
Solomonic Sound System
Version Sound
Silk City's Reggae Monthlies Unite for one night of pure roots & culture niceness.
April 3, 2003
Solomonic runs the dance solo this time.
May 1, 2003
Solomonic runs the dance solo one more time.